Thursday, March 1, 2012


The promised post on advertising. Looonngg overdue, I'm afraid...
(Getting used to college has been interesting : )

Ok. So. Advertising may be what the success of your fundraiser hinges on but, it's actually not all that special. It's what you do every day. Go to school, work, church, bowling, dancing, Whatever, and hang out with friends. If you do this you have half, if not three quarters, of the project already under your belt. The second half includes writing up invitations, flyers, facebook pages, and even websites if you'd like to go all out.

I know that second half looks daunting but let me give you a hint: it isn't.

Most of you probably already have facebook pages, twitter accounts, google plus, etc. so I'm going to go off of the assumption that you do. (If you don't and would like help in setting one up feel free to contact me.)

Again, that's half the work done. All you need to do now is start letting your friends know that you're interested in the pro-life cause.
1. Well written articles (steer clear of authors who get really heated. Your friends need to know that you are reasonable.)
2. Pictures (again, stay family friendly.)
3. News about an interesting law that's being voted on. Or, even the pro-life point of view on what "everyone is talking about." (The HHS mandate for example: (
4. Raise awareness for particular aspects of the pro-life world and mindset. "Yes, we actually love women and truly desire their good health and freedom which is why we do___" (fill in the blank.)

.... I think you get the idea. Again, if not leave a comment. Questions are welcome : )

Don't bombard your friends' news feeds simply give them something to think about.

As you're doing this quietly slip in the fact (maybe a month before?) that you'll be throwing a fundraiser and everybody is welcome. "There will be piiizzzzaaa...." Draw them in and get them interested. As it gets closer to the date you should start pushing it more.

Make a facebook group for what you're doing. When I started the fb group for the Dallas volunteers I solicited baby pictures from my friends to make the site more effective and the idea more human so, that's certainly a method of advertising you could use. Friends who see a cute baby who is actually a neighbor or the sibling of someone they go to school with will probably be more effected than they would be by an abstract "baby." Make sure to send messages and invitations through the group so that you are not bothering people who aren't interested.

Here's the copy we have on our facebook group to explain what we as volunteers are doing and why we need help:

"Hi there!

We (and the babies) could use your help with something.

We're three teenagers from Texas who want to volunteer at the National Right to Life Convention this Summer in Jacksonville. The Convention will have thousands of pro-lifers from across the country and many experienced pro-life leaders and speakers.

The pro-life movement is the last place to go if you want to get rich, and the Convention relies on teen and adult volunteers every year to help make things run smoothly. At the Convention, we will be doing everything from moving boxes and stuffing packets, to setting up rooms and staffing childcare. Along the way, we hope to learn a bit more about the pro-life movement, educate ourselves about abortion, and find out what we can do back home to help save unborn babies.

We have to help pay our way to Jacksonville, however. National Right to Life is helping cover our expenses, but airfare and several nights at the hotel do add up. We're hoping to raise at least a thousand dollars total to help pay our way, so that NRLC can use the money they would've used reimbursing us for travel on other-life saving projects. If you can give $25, $50 or more, we (and the babies!) will be so thankful! If we have any surplus it will go into a fund for future volunteers.

We'll post some of the events we'll be doing to help raise money over the coming month here, so keep an eye out for us!

Here's more information on National Right to Life and the

Make checks payable to Barbara Rogers (that's Ellen's Mom) whose address is below."

You're very welcome to use the same or a similar format when it comes to the language that you choose to use. (I expect you use honesty and prudence as you avail yourself of what's on this blog but,'s up for grabs as long as it helps you.)

And, when it comes to making flyers you're also welcome to use any that NRLC has to offer. You can call them at: (202) 626-8800. In fact, they highly encourage people to ask for them. (I can't tell you how many I sent out that semester.) OR, you could make your own. Use Word, Pages, whatever program you have available to work something out. Flyers should contain the date, time, place, and why it's cool, just like an invitation would. We use the same language on our flyers as we do on the facebook group.

Flyers are especially cool because they can be put up practically anywhere (with the proprietor's permission) and are simply a good way to spread the word. Like a mass invitation. You can also write up a miniature version of the flyer to use as bulletin inserts which are vastly helpful. You don't certainly don't have to be religious to be pro-life but most religious people are pro-life so, remember your audience.

Well! Is that enough to swallow for one post?
To recap:
Be a pro-life presence on facebook, twitter, school, wherever you find yourself and nobody will be surprised when you start asking them for help.

Make a specific facebook group (and whatever other methods you'd like to) so that you have an avenue for advertising the details.

Work up flyers to distribute at church, school, and throughout your community.

Stay tuned.